Corporate UI Dashboard - Free BS5 Dashboard

Open-Source dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Bootstrap 5 - Corporate UI Dashboard is released under MIT License.

Open-Source BS5 Dashboard styled with Bootstrap 5
Open-Source BS5 Dashboard styled with Bootstrap 5

Hello! This article presents Corporate UI Dashboard, an open-source template crafted and released for free by Creative-Tim. The product is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.


In case you're a junior developer or know one, this PROMO Bundle crafted, and Discounted with 85% by Creative-Tim might be useful. The package includes a rock-solid collection of premium assets (Kits & Dashboards) that can be used to build eye-catching portfolios and web apps in no time.

👉 Junior PROMO Bundle - 24 PREMIUM Kits & Designer Files
Promo Bundle for Junior Developers - By Creative-Tim
Promo Bundle for Junior Developers - By Creative-Tim

For newcomers, Bootstrap is a leading JS/CSS framework used to code mobile-friendly user interfaces with speed. Thanks for reading!

Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites, this open-source Bootstrap 5 design is made of hundred of elements, designed blocks, and fully coded pages.

Corporate UI Dashboard - Widgets page (free Bootstrap 5 design)
Corporate UI Dashboard - Widgets page (free Bootstrap 5)

✨ Product Highlights

This Free Bootstrap 5 UK Kit is coming with prebuilt design blocks, so the development process is seamless, and switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.

  • ✅ Modern stack: Bootstrap 5
  • ✅ 7 sample pages, 50+ UI Components
  • ✅ MIT license
  • ✅ Active versioning, Free Support

If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages.

Corporate UI Dashboard - User page (free Bootstrap 5)
Corporate UI Dashboard - User page (free Bootstrap 5)

Corporate UI Dashboard - Sign UP (free Bootstrap 5)
Corporate UI Dashboard - Sign UP (free Bootstrap 5)

Corporate UI Dashboard - Wallet (free Bootstrap 5)
Corporate UI Dashboard - Wallet (free Bootstrap 5)

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