Django Bootstrap 5 - Volt Dashboard | Video Presentation

Hello coders! The video mentioned in this article presents a nice and popular open-source Django Seed Project built on top of Volt Bootstrap 5 design. The product can be used directly from Github or download from the product page and used in commercial products without any limitations. Support via Github and LIVE on Discord is free for all registered (AppSeed) users.    

Django Bootstrap 5 - Volt Dashboard

The presentation script:

Django Codebase Features

The project comes with a simple structure and basic features like authentication, helpers, all UI Kit pages integrated as Django Templates, and deployment scripts for Docker and Gunicorn/Nginx stack. To compile the product a minimal programming kit is required: Python3 (mandatory) and optional tools like VsCode (code editor) and GIT, the popular versioning command-line tool. Once all the tools are installed and accessible via the terminal, we can compile the product by following the instructions provided in the README file:

Step #1 - Download/clone the project

$ git clone
$ cd django-dashboard-volt

Step #2 - Create a Virtual Environment and install modules

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step #3 - Create the SQLite database and tables

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

Step #4 - Start the project (development mode)

$ python runserver
$ # Access the app in browser:

 If all goes well, we should see our Django starter up & running:

Django Bootstrap 5 - Volt Dashboard. 
Django Bootstrap 5 - Dashboard Page
Django Bootstrap 5 - Main Dashboard Page.

Volt Design Presentation

Volt is a free and open source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard crafted by Themesberg with a rich UI kit (100+ components), pre-built pages and Vanilla JS (no jQuery dependency).

Hand-crafted sample pages - After downloading the project you will get 10 high-quality example pages to save you time writing boilerplate code and set up the user interface of your website or web application in no time.

100+ Components - There are more than 100 free Bootstrap 5 components included some of them being buttons, alerts, modals, datepickers and much more.

Volt Dashboard - Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Template.

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