Django Soft Dashboard - Free Starter, Updated to use the latest UI
Read more about the latest update of Django Soft Dashboard, a popular open-source Django Starter

Hello Coders! Django Soft Dashboard, a popular template actively supported by the App-Generator platform, has been updated to use the latest UI version released by Creative-Tim. The product can be downloaded and used for free in hobby or commercial projects.
- 👉 Django Soft UI Dashboard - Product Page
- 👉 Django Soft UI Dashboard - LIVE Demo

The UI changes are focused on the colors used in the components, the component's shape, and a few minor UX improvements.
Soft UI Dashboard - VR page

Product Features
This open-source starter provides a few common features like authentication, a modern UI, Docker, and deployment scripts out-of-the-box. Having this development toolbox, anyone can start fast a new dashboard project without spending much time with the project bootstrap.
- Simple, Easy-to-Extend codebase
- Soft Dashboard Full Integration
- Bootstrap 4 Styling
- Session-based Authentication
- DB Persistence: SQLite
- Docker
- CI/CD integration for Render
The users can save their private information using this multifunctional profile page:

The official documentation, explains how to download, set up and deploy LIVE in production this simple starter powered by Django and Soft Dashboard Design.
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