Django & Stripe - Free Mini eCommerce App
Open-source Django eCommerce project that loads the products from JSON files saved in the templates directory (no database required) - Bootstrap 5 design is used for styling.

Hello! This article presents an open-source Mini eCommerce project that uses Stripe as the payment processor and Django as the backend. The eCommerce section content is loaded from JSON and the information is managed by a simple routing logic. The source code can be found on GitHub under the MIT License (free for commercial or eLearning activities). Thanks for reading!
- 👉 Django & Stripe
Mini eCommerce
- source code - 👉 Django & Stripe eCommerce - YouTube presentation
Another useful feature of this project is the Bootstrap 5 design, provided by Creative-Tim
. Soft UI Design, the UI Kit used to style the pages, comes with 50+ components and reusable widgets for at least a decent eCommerce project.

✨ How to use it
The fastest way to start the product and play around with the codebase is to access the repository and follow the build instructions presented on the README file.
👉 Step #1 - Clone the project from the public repository:
$ git clone
$ cd sample-django-stripe
👉 Step #2 - Install the dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
👉 Step #3 - Create .env
and provide the Stripe Secrets
👉 Step #4 - Start the app
$ python migrate
$ python runserver
At this point, we should be able to access the app in the browser. The above setup is also explained in a video material published on YouTube.
Thanks for reading! For more resources and support, please access:
- 🚀 Free support provided by AppSeed (email & Discord)
- 👉 Flask & Stripe Mini eCommerce - the Flask version (also free)