Django Templates - Curated list with Free Projects
A curated list with open-source Django Template released under permissive licenses and actively supported by their vendors.

Hello coders! This article presents a curated list with open-source Django Templates built on top of modern UI Kits, actively supported by their vendors. The open-source ecosystem contains many great projects we can use to learn, code new projects or simply contribute and help others. Another important aspect for all these products is the permissive license that allows us to reuse sources in commercial products. Thanks for reading!
- Django Template Black - LIVE Demo
- Django Template Material - LIVE Demo
- Django Template Argon - LIVE Demo
- Django Template Volt - LIVE Demo
- Django Soft UI Dashboard - LIVE Demo
Django Template Black
Start your development with a modern, dark-themed Bootstrap 4 Admin template for Django. It features a huge number of components built to fit together and look fantastic. If you want to code faster, with a smooth workflow, then you should try this template carefully developed with Django, a well-known Python Framework.
Black Dashboard Django features over 16 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. This means that there are thousands of possible combinations. All components can take variations in color, that you can easily modify using SASS files. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented. We thought about everything, so this dashboard comes with 2 versions, Dark Mode and Light Mode.
- Django Template Black - product page
- Django Template Black - source code (MIT License / Github)

Django Template Material
Material Dashboard is a free Material Bootstrap 4 Admin with a fresh, new design inspired by Google's Material Design. We are very excited to introduce our take on the material concepts through an easy-to-use and beautiful set of components. Material Dashboard was built over the popular Bootstrap 4 framework and it comes with a couple of third-party plugins redesigned to fit in with the rest of the elements.
Django codebase is crafted using a simple, modular structure that follows the best practices and provides authentication, database configuration, and deployment scripts for Docker and Gunicorn/Nginx stack. Any developer with a basic Django/Python knowledge, by following the product documentation should be able to compile and use the app by typing only a few lines in the terminal.
- Django Template Material - product page
- Django Template Material - source code

Django Template Argon
Argon Dashboard is built with over 100 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented. This Dashboard is coming with pre-built examples, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.
- Django Template Argon - product page
- Django Template Argon - source code

Django Template Volt
Django Volt is an open-source seed project crafted with a database, session-based authentication, basic helpers, and deployment scripts on top of Volt Bootstrap 5 design.
Volt Design is built using the latest version of Bootstrap 5 and because jQuery is no longer required as a dependency, Volt has been built using only Vanilla JS. There are over 100 unique Bootstrap 5 UI elements that are included in the template, such as buttons, alerts, modals, and many more. Not only that but there are also 10 unique dashboard pages that will make setting up a quick administration or web app UI easier.
- Django Template Volt - product page
- Django Template Volt - source code

Django Soft UI Dashboard
Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites, Soft UI Dashboard is ready to help you create stunning websites and webapps. Soft UI Dashboard is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards and alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.
- Django Soft UI Dashboard - LIVE Demo
- Django Soft UI Dashboard - Product documentation

Thanks for reading! For more resources, please access:
- More Django Templates provided by Creative-Tim
- Free Admin Dashboards - a curated list provided by AppSeed