Flask Volt PRO - Extended User Profile, Admin ROLE

Latest evolutions of Flask Volt PRO: extended profile for users, ADMIN role, improved authentication - Premium Starter.

Flask Volt PRO - Updated with user profiles, Admin ROLE, improved Auth
Flask Volt PRO - Updated with user profiles, Admin ROLE, improved Auth

Hello! This article presents the latest updates of Volt Dashboard, a premium seed project built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Flask. The product comes with extended user profiles, admin roles, improved authentication, and Docker scripts. For newcomers, Flask is a leading backend framework used to code from simple one-page websites to APIs or complex eCommerce solutions.

Evolutions in latest version (v1.0.14)
  • ✅ Extended User Profile
  • ✅ Password checker (registration page)
  • ✅ Change password, Self Account Deletion
  • ✅ Automatic suspension on failed logins
  • ✅ Admin ROLE (edit all users)
  • ✅ Improved Docker Scripts
Flask Volt PRO - Registration Page (Improved)
Flask Volt PRO - Registration Page (Improved)

Extended User Profile

The product can be started using a Docker environment using a single command executed at the root of the project. Once the app is running in the browser, users can register, sign edit, edit their account, and update passwords. A self-deletion option is also provided.

Flask Volt PRO - Extended User Profile
Flask Volt PRO - Extended User Profile

Extended User Profile - Update Password and Self-Deletion
Flask Volt PRO - Change Password Option
Flask Volt PRO - Change Password Option

Admin ROLE

This version of the product allows the creation of ADMIN users using the CLI and create_admin custom command.

$ cd flask-volt-dashboard-enh        # root of the project
$ flask create_admin                 # call CREATE_ADMIN cmd
Enter Username : app_admin           # input 
Enter Email: myadmin@appseed.us      # input  
Password: *******                    # input  
Super User created successfully.     

Once the superuser is created, we should be able to authenticate, edit the user's information, change the suspension state or delete users.

Flask Volt PRO - Edit Users (Admin View)
Flask Volt PRO - Edit Users (Admin View)

Admin View - Edit registered user
Flask Volt PRO - Edit Registered User (Admin View)
Flask Volt PRO - Edit Registered User (Admin View)

Improved Authentication

The security of the product is also improved via the password strength check during the registration and automatic suspension on consecutive failed logins.

Once the user is suspended, only the Admin user is able to change his state.

Flask Volt PRO - Suspended User Warning
Flask Volt PRO - Suspended User Warning

Future evolutions

The product is under heavy development for more features:

  • ✅ Social Login for Github & Twitter
  • ✅ Async tasks execution via Celery
  • ✅ Stripe Payments
  • ✅ Deployment automation (AWS, HEROKU)

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