Free Django Admin Template - Volt Design

This article presents an open-source Django Admin Template that covers the frontend pages like Dashboard, login, and register but also the admin section using the same UI/UX design: Django Admin Volt. This aspect might be important for end products where the client has access to the administration section and might request a unified design across all sections of the project. Β For newcomers, Django is a leading web framework crafted by experienced developers using a batteries-included concept. Thanks for reading!

Django Admin Template Volt - Users Page

✨ Design Presentation

Volt Bootstrap 5 is provided by Themesberg a quality-oriented company that actively supported this design in two flavors: premium and open-source (the version used by the template). Β Volt is a free and open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages, and 3 plugins with Vanilla JS.

100+ Components - There is more than 100 free Bootstrap 5 components included some of them being buttons, alerts, modals, and date pickers.

11 Example Pages - Volt brings 11 example pages including an overview, sign-in, sign up, transactions page, and many more. There are 3 lightweight and Vanilla JS plugins that come with Volt, namely a date picker, notification, and charts library.

Django Admin Template Volt - Login Page
Django Admin Template - Dashboard Page
Django Admin Template Volt - Dashboard Page
Django Admin Template - Profile Page
Django Admin Template Volt - Widgets Page

✨ Build the Product

Django Admin Template Volt can be used with a few commands typed in the terminal window by following the information provided in the official docs. Before trying a build, please make sure your workstation has a minimal programming kit already installed and accessible in the terminal: Python3, GIT, and a modern code editor like Atom or VsCode.

πŸ‘‰ Step 1 - Clone the sources from the public repository
$ git clone
$ cd django-dashboard-volt
Django Admin Template Volt - Clone Sources
πŸ‘‰ Step 2 - Install modules using a virtual environment
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Django Admin Template Volt - Install Modules
πŸ‘‰ Step 3 - Install the Volt Admin Template (separate package)
$ pip install django-admin-volt
Django Admin Template Volt - Install Admin Theme
πŸ‘‰ Step 4 - Update Django Settings to include the theme
Django Admin Template Volt - Update Settings

Make sure django.template.context_processors.request context processor is enabled in (Django 1.8+ way):

            'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
            'DIRS': [],
            'APP_DIRS': True,
            'OPTIONS': {
                'context_processors': [
Django Admin Template Volt - Check Configuration
πŸ‘‰ Step 5 - Migrate the database (aka create tables)
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate 
Django Admin Template Volt - Migrate Database
πŸ‘‰ Step 6 - Create a superuser to access the admin section
$ python createsuperuser
Django Admin Template Volt - Create Superuser
πŸ‘‰ Step 7 - Start the app and access the admin section
$ # Start the application (development mode)
$ python runserver # default port 8000
Django Admin Template Volt - Start App

Once the app is started, we should see a link on the presentation page to the admin section.

Django Admin Template Volt - Index Page.
Django Admin Template - Users page
Django Admin Template Volt - Users page

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