Free React Dashboards - Chakra, M-UI and Ant Design

This article presents a curated list with open-source React Dashboards styled with different super-popular components libraries: Chakra-UI, M-UI. and Ant.Design. All templates are released under permissive licenses that allow unlimited copied for hobby and commercial projects. For newcomers, React is an open-source JavaScript library for coding user interfaces baked by Facebook. Thanks for reading!

React Dashboard Purity

Designed for those who like modern UI elements and beautiful websites Purity Dashboard is made of hundreds of elements, designed blocks, and fully coded pages.

Purity UI Dashboard is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.

👨‍🎓  New to Chakra? Take a look at this comprehensive tutorial: Coding a Simple Landing Page with Chakra and React
Free React Dashboard - Purity Dashboard 

React Dashboard Soft

Built with Soft UI Design system, probably the most innovative design system from Creative-Tim. This FREE Material-UI Dashboard is coming with prebuilt design blocks, so the development process is seamless, and switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.

If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages. Every page is spaced well, with attractive layouts and pleasing shapes.

Free React Dashboard - Soft UI Template

React Dashboard Berry

Berry is a creative open-source admin dashboard template build using React and Material-UI library. It is a complete game-changer React Dashboard Template with an easy and intuitive responsive design as on retina screens or laptops.

This free product might be a good choice for your next project based on the modern UI aesthetics, rich set of UI components, modern tooling, and a simple, intuitive codebase structure.

Free React Dashboard - Berry Template

React Dashboard Muse

Muse Ant Design Dashboard is a free Admin Template based on two popular front-end technologies: Ant Design & React. It was built to simplify the developer's work and is comes with a fresh design inspired by Ant Design. All its components are built to fit perfectly with each other while aligning to the Ant Design concepts.

This beautiful React Admin Template comes with 5 color filter choices for both the sidebar and the cards (blue, green, red, yellow, and black), an option to have a transparent or fill sidebar, and an option to have a fixed navbar.

Free React Dashboard - Muse Template (styled with Ant.Design).

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