FullStack React - Code Examples

Hello! This article presents a curated list with FullStack React Examples that are more than templates. All mentioned products come with JWT token authentication, database (SQLite or Mongo), and API backend servers provided in different technologies like Node JS, Flask, and Django. The open-source full-stack starters can be downloaded from Github and used for hobby and commercial products. Thanks for reading!

The above products can be used and combined with more than one Backend because the API interface is common to all servers:

  • (Free) Node JS API - Typescript / SQLite / TypeORM
  • (Free) Django API - simple JWT API server
  • (Free) Flask API - simple JWT API server
  • Node JS API PRO - comes with more features and MongoDB / Mongoose as database interface, Typescript, and Docker scripts.

Fullstack React Berry

Berry is a creative React Dashboard build using the Material-UI. It is meant to be the best User Experience with highly customizable feature-riched pages. It is a complete game-changer React Dashboard Template with an easy and intuitive responsive design as on retina screens or laptops. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout.

Fullstack React Dashboard - Berry Design (free version) 

Fullstack React Soft Dashboard

Start your Development with an Innovative Admin Template for Material-UI and React. Soft UI Dashboard React is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout.

Fullstack React Dashboard - Soft Dashboard (free version) 

Fullstack React Datta Able

Datta Able is an open-source React Dashboard that provides a colorful and modern design. Datta Able React Free is the most stylized React Free Admin Template, around all other admin templates in the market. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout.

Fullstack React Dashboard - Datta Able (free version).

Fullstack React Datta Able PRO

Datta Able is a premium React Dashboard that provides a colorful and modern design. Datta Able React PRO is the most stylized React Free Admin Template, around all other admin templates in the market. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code.

Fullstack React dashboard - Datta Able PRO design 

Fullstack React Material PRO

Material Dashboard PRO is a beautiful React Admin Dashboard crafted by Creative-Tim. Material Dashboard PRO React makes use of light, surface, and movement. The general layout resembles sheets of paper following multiple different layers so that the depth and order is obvious. Material Dashboard PRO React comes with 7 color filter choices for the links of the Sidebar, 3 filter color choices for the background of the Sidebar, an option to have a background image on the Sidebar, and 6 color filter choices for the card headers.

Fullstack React Dashboard - Material Dashboard PRO.

As mention before, all the above samples are configured to communicate with a unified simple API interface that shares all necessary actions to manage a simple JWT Authentication:  

  • API: login/logout/register
  • editUser - allows updating user-related information

To make this article really useful, we can build the Node JS API server using the information provided by the project README.

Node JS Api - Free Product.

Step #1 - Clone the sources

$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/api-server-nodejs.git
$ cd api-server-nodejs

Step #2 - Install modules using NPM or Yarn

$ npm i
// OR
$ yarn

Step #3 - Run the SQLite migration via TypeORM

$ yarn typeorm migration:run

Step#4 - Start the API server  (development mode)

$ npm dev
// OR
$ yarn dev
The API IO structures

Register - api/users/register

POST api/users/register
Content-Type: application/json


Login - api/users/login

POST /api/users/login
Content-Type: application/json


Logout - api/users/logout

POST api/users/logout
Content-Type: application/json
authorization: JWT_TOKEN (returned by Login request)


The same API handles are defined and managed in the same way by Django and Flask, and this provides total freedom to the developer to migrate from one backend to another without much effort.

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