MaterialPro Bootstrap Admin - Premium Template

Hello! This article presents a premium Dashboard Template crafted by WrapPixel on top of the Bootstrap 5 framework. WrapPixel’s MaterialPro Bootstrap Admin is a premium bootstrap material design template that comes packed with new, fresh, and attractive designs and ready-to-use components. For newcomers, Bootstrap is a leading JS/CSS framework used to code interactive and mobile-friendly user interfaces. Thanks for reading!

Based on the popular Bootstrap 5 framework and inspired by Google’s material design, the MaterialPro Bootstrap Admin template is bundled with multiple third-party plugins that make it an excellent standalone solution.

MaterialPRO Admin (Premium Dashboard) - Charts Page

Material Pro Bootstrap Admin dashboard is versatile, user-friendly, and has a clean code structure that optimizes the development cost and time. The smoothness and efficiency in using a customizable admin dashboard are felt with the reliable design inspiration by Google’s material design.

This premium material admin dashboard has a stupendous look and vibrancy with its ready-to-use components. Interestingly, this admin template can be used to create CRM admin panels, Sales dashboards, Analytical Admin dashboards, Performance-based admin dashboards, marketing dashboards, and many more.

MaterialPRO Admin (Premium Dashboard) - Calendar Page

MaterialPRO Admin (Premium Dashboard) - Widgets Page

MaterialPRO Admin (Premium Dashboard) - Task Board Page.

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