Free Angular Dashboard - MaterialPro LITE

Open-Source Dashboard template crafted by WrapPixel on top of Material Lite design and Angular - Free product.

MaterialPRO - Open-Source Angular Template
MaterialPRO - Open-Source Angular Template

Hello! This article presents MaterialPro Lite, an open-source dashboard template crafted by WrapPixel on top of Angular (the latest version). The product comes with a modern design, sample pages, active versioning, and a permissive (MIT) license (free for commercial use). For newcomers, Angular is a leading JS framework used to code interactive user interfaces with speed.

MaterialPro Lite - Charts Page (Free Angular Template)
MaterialPro Lite - Charts Page (Free Angular Template) 

✨ Product Highlights

The product comes with a modular design that allows being easily customized and it comes with a host of reusable beautiful UI elements.

  • ✅ Modern stack: Angular
  • ✅ Sample Pages, 20 handcrafted UI components
  • ✅ Active Versioning
  • ✅ MIT license (free for commercial use)

MaterialPro Lite Angular uses the essential Angular components along with preset design patterns and re-styling plugins to craft consistent web designs and enhanced user interfaces.

Sample Pages - If you want to get inspiration or show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages.

MaterialPro Lite - UI Buttons (Free Angular Template)
MaterialPro Lite - UI Buttons (Free Angular Template)

MaterialPro Lite - User profile Component (Free Angular Template)
MaterialPro Lite - User profile Component (Free Angular Template)

MaterialPro Lite - Grid System (Free Angular Template)
MaterialPro Lite - Grid System (Free Angular Template)

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