Modernize - Free React MUI Dashboard

Hello! This article presents Modernize, a pixel-perfect MUI React Template crafted and released for free by AdminMart. If you are looking for an eye-catching and elegantly designed free react admin template that comes with several added features, this free template might help. Thanks for reading!

Modernize MUI React - Widgets Page

Product Highlights

This free react admin template is developer friendly, highly customizable, and very easy to use. It allows you to create web apps in no time without any hassle.

  • ✅ React 18+
  • ✅ Code Splitting
  • ✅ Google Fonts
  • ✅ Organized Code Structure
  • ✅ Redux toolkit
  • ✅ MIT License, Community Support

Sample Pages - If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages. You will be able to quickly set up the basic structure for your web project.

Modernize MUI React - Sign In Page

Modernize MUI React - Charts Page
Modernize MUI React - Charts Page

Modernize MUI React - UI Shadows Components
Modernize MUI React - UI Elements

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