Modernize Free Vuetify

Hello! This article presents Modernize, a free dashboard template crafted by AdminMart on top of Vue & Vuetify frameworks. Β 

If you are looking for an eye-catching and elegantly designed free Vuejs admin template that comes with several added features, then look no further.

Modernize Free Vuetify - Main Dashboard Page

This free Vuejs admin template is developer-friendly, highly customizable, and very easy to use. It allows you to create web apps in no time without any hassle. Here are the main features:

  • βœ… Vite, Vuejs
  • βœ… Typescript Codebase
  • βœ… Code Splitting
  • βœ… Dashboard, Profile, and Auth Pages
  • βœ… Intuitive Folder Structure
  • βœ… Google Fonts, 50+ UI Components

Developing a web app from scratch is a nightmare of every developer while getting a free Vuejs template like this is every developer’s dream.

Modernize Free Vuetify - Icons Page

Modernize Free Vuetify 3 Vuejs Admin Dashboard Template that has everything you require to develop an amazing web app. It has a very simple sleek design which will give your next project a professional and engaging look.

Modernize Free Vuetify - SignIN Page

For newcomers, Vuetify is a popular open-source Vue.js UI framework and component library that allows developers to create modern, responsive, and attractive web applications quickly.

It provides a set of pre-designed, reusable UI components and layout elements, following the Material Design guidelines, which is a design language developed by Google.

Vuetify - Open-source Components library

Here are some key features of Vuetify
  1. Material Design: Vuetify follows Google's Material Design principles, providing a consistent and visually appealing user interface that emphasizes clean, intuitive design, and responsive behavior.
  2. Rich Set of Components: Vuetify offers a wide range of UI components, including buttons, cards, navigation drawers, forms, data tables, dialogs, and many others. These components are ready to use and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your application.
  3. Responsive Layout System: Vuetify includes a responsive layout system with a 12-column grid, making it easy to create flexible and adaptive designs for various screen sizes and devices.

For more input feel free to access the official documentation. Thank you!

βœ… Resources​