Muse Ant.Design React - FREE Product
Muse Ant Design Dashboard is built with over 120 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.

Hello! This speedy article presents Muse Ant.Design React, an open-source crafted and released for free by Creative-Tim.
Muse Ant Design Dashboard is a free Admin Template based on two popular front-end technologies: Ant Design & React. It was built to simplify the developer's work and it comes with a fresh design inspired by Ant Design. All its components are built to fit perfectly with each other while aligning to the Ant Design concepts.
- 👉 Muse Ant.Design React - product page
- 👉 Muse Ant.Design React - LIVE demo

Muse Ant.Design React - User Profile Page

In case you're a junior developer or know one, this PROMO Bundle crafted, and Discounted with 85% by Creative-Tim might be useful. The package includes a rock-solid collection of premium assets (Kits & Dashboards) that can be used to build eye-catching portfolios and web apps in no time.
👉 Junior PROMO Bundle - 24 PREMIUM Kits & Designer Files