Paper Kit 2 Angular - Free Template
Paper Kit 2 Angular is a free Bootstrap 4 UI Kit with pale colors, beautiful typography built for Angular 11 - provided by Creative-Tim.

Hello! This article presents an open-source
Angular UI kit crafted and released for free by Creative-Tim
. Paper Kit 2 Angular is a free Bootstrap 4 UI Kit with pale colors, beautiful typography built for Angular 11. The product can be downloaded from Github and used for commercial projects or eLearning activities. Thanks for reading!
- 👉 Paper Kit 2 Angular - LIVE demo
- 👉 Paper Kit 2 Angular - product page
- 🎁 More Free Templates provided by

Paper Kit 2 contains some pages already designed and implemented. Here is the list with the pages available. We are also working on more example pages, that you will be able to access no matter the version you download.
Beautiful Components - All the components are designed to look great together, following the same design pattern. Any elements that is vital to code a web project is already here, fully coded. Transitions, shadows, colors, they all resemble the flow you would have using pieces of paper.
Paper Kit 2 is built on top of Bootstrap 4, so it fully supports it. Most of the elements from the framework are re-designed to resemble sheets of paper and color pastels. If the are elements that we have not touched, they will gracefully fall back to the Bootstrap 4 default.

Paper Kit 2 Angular - Feature Components

Paper Kit 2 Angular - Login Page

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- ✨ More Free Dashboards crafted in Django, Flask, and React
- ✨ More Admin Dashboards - a huge index with products