React and Django - Generate & Deploy with Drag & Drop

Hello! The video mentioned in this article demonstrates how to deploy LIVE full-stack projects built on top of Django & React. The implementation uses an open-source Python Library that builds a simplified interface over Render, the infrastructure used for deployment. During the demonstration, three projects are deployed via a drag & drop gesture. Thanks for reading!

The resources used in this material:

VIDEO Transcript

  • ✅ Access the LIVE Deployer tool
  • Explain the concept
  • Generate a new Django & React Project
  • Deploy LIVE the product using Drag & Drop
  • ✅ Access the LIVE apps and create new users
React and Django - Generate & Deploy with Drag & Drop

Thanks for reading! For more resources, please access:
  • 🚀 Free support provided by AppSeed (email & Discord)
  • 👉 More free apps crafted in Flask, Django, and React