React Django Horizon - Generate & Go LIVE
This material explains how to generate a simple #fullstack app using React and Django on top of HorizonUI, a pixel-perfect design styled with Chakra.

Hello coders! The video mentioned in this article explains how to generate a simple full-stack project powered by React & Django on top of HorizonUI, a pixel-perfect kit from Simmple. The generated sources are uploaded on GitHub and later used to deploy the product LIVE on Render. Thanks for reading!
- 👉 React Generator - free service
- 👉 LIVE Deployer - service available for PRO users
Designed for those who like modern UI elements and beautiful websites Horizon UI is ready to help you create stunning websites and web apps - Design credits: Simmple.
VIDEO Transcript
- ✅ Generate the React Product
- ✅ Access the GitHub repository
- ✅ Access the LIVE Deployer tool
- ✅ Explain the concept
- ✅ Deploy the project using Drag & Drop
- ✅ Access LIVE deployment of the product