Soft UI - Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Templates

A curated list with Bootstrap 5 Templates and starters crafted on top of Soft UI design by Creative-Tim and AppSeed.

Soft UI - Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Templates

Hello! This article is a curated list with Bootstrap 5 Templates and Starters crafted on top of Soft UI, a modern and trendy design concept from Creative-Tim. All products come with a really nice design, active support, and permissive licenses (MIT, LGPL).  The functional versions (Flask & Django) are provided by AppSeed. Thanks for reading!

A really nice dashboard with a left menu and colorful chartes and widgets provided by Soft UI Dashboard (free version).
Soft UI - A modern and colorful Bootstrap 5 Design.

Soft UI Dashboard

Soft UI Dashboard is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, pre-built pages on top of a modern layout styled with Bootstrap 5. This design is probably the most innovative kit crafted by Creative-Tim and released as an open-source product, even the PRO version (available via NPM).

A nice webpage with a left menu and billing widgets like creadit cared and other payment tools.
Soft UI - Billing Page. 

Soft UI Dashboard Flask

A super simple seed project generated by AppSeed on top of Soft UI design with database, ORM, basic helpers, and deployment scripts. The product can be downloaded directly from the product page (no account required).

A colorful profile page with a left menu, a small user avatar on the top of the page and blog-like cards - all provided by Soft Ui Dashboard design.
Soft UI - Profile Page.

Soft UI Dashboard Django

Open-source starter enhanced with authentication, helpers, and deployment scripts on top of Soft UI Design. The product is actively supported and versioned by AppSeed.

A colorful login page with a form on the left and multi-color random shape on the right.
Soft UI Dashboard - Login Page.

Soft UI Design

This Free Bootstrap 5 UK Kit is coming with prebuilt design blocks, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done. Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites. Made of hundred of elements, designed blocks, and fully coded pages, Soft UI Design System is ready to help you create stunning websites and web apps.

Soft UI Design with colorful charts and a search box inside a white phone frame.
Soft UI - Mobile View.

Thanks for reading! For more resources, please access:
  • More product styled with Soft UI Design - hosted by Creative-Tim
  • More starters coded on top of Soft UI Design