django Django Atlantis PRO - CI/CD Support, Improved Codebase Django starter styled with Atlantis Dark PRO, a premium Bootstrap KIT from ThemeKita - Codebase provides CI/CD support via Render.
black-dashboard Black Dashboard - Persistent Dark-Mode (Free Product) Free dashboard template designed by Creative-Tim, enhanced by AppSeed with persistent dark mode and sign-in page.
react-v18 BLK Design System React (Free Product) Open-Source template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of React v18 - BLK Design System is a free product.
react-v18 BLK Design PRO - React v18 Premium dark-themed design system crafted by Creative-Tim on top of React v18 - Premium starter.
soft-ui-system Vite Soft Dashboard - Dark-Mode Enhancement The dark-mode enhancement added on top of Vue Soft Dashboard, a popular template crafted by Creative-Tim.
dark-mode Dark Admin Dashboards - Open-Source and Free A curated list with dark-themed admin dashboards released under permissive licenses on Github - Free products only.
django Django Datta Able - Dark Mode (free product) Open-Source Django Starter crafted on top of a colorful Bootstrap template enhanced with dark mode - Datta Able can be downloaded from Github.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Dashboard - Dark-Mode Ready Learn how to build a full-stack product on top of Soft Ui Dashboard in no time using AppSeed.