Volt Bootstrap 5 - Updated to Django 4.1

Hello! This article presents Django Volt Dashboard, a popular seed project recently updated to Django 4.1 version. For newcomers, Django is a popular web framework actively versioned by programming experts and open-source enthusiasts. The sources, published on Github under the MIT License, can be used for commercial end-products or simply for eLearning activities.  Thanks for reading!

Volt Dashboard is a free and open source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages and 3 plugins with Vanilla JS.

The product can be compiled and started in a local environment using the Docker setup shipped with the sources.

Step #1 - Clone sources from Github
$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/django-volt-dashboard.git
$ cd django-volt-dashboard
Django Volt - Clone Sources
Step #2 - Start in Docker
$ docker-compose up --build 
Django Volt - Start in Docker

Once the above commands are executed we should be able to access the app in the browser, register new users, and authenticate.

Django Volt - Login Page

Volt Dashboard brings 11 example pages including an overview, sign in, sign up, transactions page, and many more. There are 3 lightweight and Vanilla JS plugins that come with Volt, namely a date picker, notification, and charts library. This modern UI Kit is provided for free by Themesberg.

Django Volt - User Profile Page
Django Volt - Alerts
Django Volt - Alerts Page.
Django Volt - Data Tables Widget
Django Volt - Data Tables Page.

Thanks for reading! For more resources, feel free to access: