Windzo - Free Template built with Vue & Tailwind CSS

Windzo is a free open-source dashboard admin template, using Vue js and Tailwind CSS framework, to make your app build easily and fast.

Free Tailwind CSS Dashboard - Widzo
Free Tailwind CSS Dashboard - Widzo

Hello! This article mentions Windzo, an open-source dashboard with a nice design powered by Vue and Tailwind CSS. Besides the design and polished UI, the product seems to be maintained by a solo developer. The product can be downloaded from GitHub (MIT License) and used, according to the license terms, for commercial projects or eLearning activities. Thanks for reading!

Free Tailwind CSS Dashboard - Widzo (main page)
Free Tailwind CSS Dashboard - Widzo (main page)

Product Highlights

  • ✅ Modern Stack: Vue & Tailwind
  • ✅ Permissive License & Active Versioning
  • ✅ 10+ pre-built pages
  • ✅ Dark-mode ready

Here is the official product description: Windzo is a free open-source dashboard admin template, using VueJS and Tailwind, that aims to speed up the development process for modern dashboards.  

Widzo Tailwind CSS - Charts
Widzo Tailwind CSS - Charts

Thanks for reading!

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Free Tailwind Starters - Creative-Tim
Free Tailwind Starters - Creative-Tim