WrapPixel - New UI & Latest Products (all free)

Hello! This article mentions the latest open-source products released by WrapPixel, a well-known agency that codes digital products in many technologies and patterns. Thanks for reading!

πŸ‘‰ Flexy NextJS Admin

Flexy Free Nextjs version is built with Most Popular Framework React Material-UI. The free version comes with an elegant grid design that helps you play around with the look and feel of the web app the way you want. it's a carefully hand-crafted minimal admin template, built with modular and modern design.

πŸ‘‰ Flexy NextJS Admin - product page
Flexy NextJS Template - Open-Source product crafted by WrapPixelΒ 

πŸ‘‰ Monster Vue Admin

You can create high-quality and beautiful-looking interfaces for your web application or product using our Monster BootstrapVue Admin Lite. It comes with google's material-based design and some great components, which makes your life much easier when you are creating a project.

πŸ‘‰ Monster Vue Admin - product page
Monster Vue Admin - Open-Source product crafted by WrapPixel

πŸ‘‰ Severny Bootstrap Lite

With all the basic features and fully responsive pages, Severny Dashboard Lite does wonders for our projects. Having a clean and modern look for your backend project this particular free bootstrap 4 admin template for web applications gives you easy customization options.

πŸ‘‰ Severny Bootstrap Lite - product page
Severny Bootstrap - Open-Source product crafted by WrapPixel

πŸ‘‰ Xtreme Bootstrap Admin Lite

You can now create a fantastic user interface with our top-notch Bootstrap layout templates now available for free download. This template will help you kick off your online presence in style and is flexible and responsive to work across screens and browsers.

πŸ‘‰ Xtreme Bootstrap Admin Lite - product page
Xtreme Bootstrap - Open-Source product crafted by WrapPixel

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Big Bundle Includes 10 Premium Bootstrap Templates, which are essential tools for freelancer developers and agencies to scale up their web development practice. Our all bootstrap templates are highly customizable which gives you the flexibility to create your own desired dashboards and pages for your web application.

WrapPixel - Big Bundle PROMO, 95%Off